Jeff, Please Stop Trying To Help Us!

From: Born, Timothy D
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2015 8:40 AM
To: Abhishek; Agile Community
Subject: RE: Q&A with Jeff Sutherland on Agile Leadership

I cringe when I see such quotes from Sutherland.  Much as I respect Jeff, I wonder if he isn’t doing more of a disservice, raising expectations this high.

The problem with quotes like this is some people will misinterpret this as a *behavior*, such that if we replicate that behavior, we will get great productivity gains.  As written, putting the screws to the scrum master sounds like a great idea.  What is missing is management at Deere actually does something with those impediments.  They have internalized the thinking, and they realize agility is not a “tech thing”, but cultural changes that affects the organization, all the way to the top.

Tim Born | Agile Coach, Corporate & Investment Bank | xxx
(+1) 630-492-0038 | | http://go/agile

“The ScrumMaster is not at this meeting [retrospective] to provide answers, but to facilitate the team’s search for better ways for the Scrum process to work for it.  Actionable items that can be added to the next Sprint should be devised as high-priority nonfunctional Product Backlog.  Retrospectives that don’t result in change are sterile and frustrating” – Ken Schwaber


From: Abhishek
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2015 12:36 AM
To: Agile Community
Subject: Q&A with Jeff Sutherland on Agile Leadership

sutherland 800% productivity



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